ive had an arty day.... why is it always tuesdays? why not fridays and saturdays when i have more time? its cool though.... so this is the cover of an old Golden book with a found needlepoint of a flower and some old found buttons and shells and a braided hemp peice....
hello, our power has been off all day we had some wicked winds here today and knocked down trees and power lines.. anyways..your box will go out on Wed. not sure i'm happy with.. but time is out so hope it gets there ok! and that will be ok with you!!
Your snippet swap looks really enticing...I'm in it too, and just sent my package to Nina today. Such fun!
And speaking of swaps, I posted a developed set of guidelines for the Art Journal RR on my blog. I was going to email you, but I accidentally deleted your address! (I SWEAR I will not lose anything else). :)
Please email me and confirm you're interested!
Enjoy all this swapping!
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