Blended Colors


Frohe Weinachten...

or Merry Christmas! I hope you had a lovely one remembered that Jesus is the Reason for the Season..... not toys, gifts, seeing family and friends, giving to others, receiving, eggnog, decorations, reindeer, and ecpecially NOT SANTA..... its all about Jesus and the gift God gave us by sending him here to earth to eventually die for our sins...
I wanted to say thanx for coming to read my lil ole blog.... sorry its been sparse lately.... trying to heal still and healing hurts... i have so much to share.... but thanx for saying your thinking about me and praying.... i'm almost healed
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year or "Gutes Neuh Jahre" i think thats right.....


paru's_circle said...

all the best to you and yours for the New Year! said...

Happy Happy belated Holiday sweetie! Oh and that surgery!! You dear heart! How do you feel now??? Hugs!

Abrideri et Oblectare~~To Amuse and Delight